What Water is
- Water’s chemical formula is H2O; it is Water when it is in the liquid state.
- Its ability to exist in different physical forms gives it a unique property in the functions it performs.
- It is continually changing form both in the human body and in the external environment.
- Water is able to evaporate and precipitate under Natural environmental conditions.
- Wateris the main constituent of the fluids of most living organisms. It is crucial for all known forms of life.
- Water is essential for photosynthesis which releases the Oxygen necessary for human and animal respiration and survival.
- Water is necessary for regulating the enzymes and hormones in the body
- The human body contains from 55% to 78% water, depending on body size.
- To function properly, the body requires between one and seven liters of water per day to avoid dehydration; the precise amount depends on the level of activity, temperature, humidity, and other factors (Wikipedia).
Uniqueness of Water
- Water is the most abundant substance in Nature
- Like air, humans cannot survive without water
- It is the most abundant compound in the human body
- Water is the most valuable commodity to man, after the air he breaths
- Water is very important to all cultures and religions
- Water is considered a purifier in most religions. Faiths that incorporate ritual washing (ablution) include Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, the Rastafari movement, Shinto, Taoism, and Wicca. (Wikipedia)
- Many cultures buy into the healing ability of Water and use it to manage ailments.
- It is considered a universal solvent because of its ability to dissolve many substances
- Water covers 71% of the Earth’s surface
Benefits of Water to the Human Body
- Being the dynamic substance that permeates all organs of the body, Water serves to keep the joints lubricated; while dehydration will cause joint pain due to increased friction and depositing of crystals which form when there is no adequate fluid for the crystal to remain dissolved
- Water lubricates the entire body including its internal and external linings. It keeps the mouth and nose moist to prevent friction and associated damages
- As a major solvent and transporter, it serves as the medium for excreting unwanted substances in the body
- Its dynamic nature makes it valuable in regulating the blood pressure
- The airways cannot function properly without being properly hydrated; Water serves to ensure that the air passages remain clean and healthy.
- Dehydration could worsen air way diseases like Asthma and Sinusitis
- With proper hydration, the kidneys function optimally in its excretory duty.
- It reduces the chances of hang-over when consumed while consuming alcohol
- Water
is used in the administration of different forms of therapy:
- Packings which can be hot or cold; could be applied to localized areas of the body or the entire body to induce sweating or cool the body
- Steam baths are very popular in some cultures
- Sitz (sitting) bath is indicated in some medical conditions as well as bath localized to the spine, head and foot
- Compresses; fomentations; poultices etc utilize the medium of water to deliver treatment to the afflicted part of the body
Water in Humans
- Water is excreted from the body through urine; feces; sweating; and exhalation in the breath.
- Drinking water serves to clean the mouth
- As the major component of blood, it serves as the transportation agent for nutrients and oxygen that is supplied to all parts of the body
- Pregnant and breastfeeding women require more fluids to stay hydrated.
- The acid-base balance in the body depends on water to remain optimal.
- Well hydrated skin is more disease resistant as it is well nourished
- It serves as the cushion for the brain and the spinal cord within their restrictive casings.
- It is necessary for the production and utilization of hormones and neurotransmitters
- Water is essential for regulating the body temperature just as it is essential for maintaining the Earth’s environment
- The entire digestive system requires water for proper functioning which will prevent the occurrence of Ulcers due to over acidity; Constipation and other chronic diseases of the digestive system
- When it takes the place of sweetened drinks and Sodas, it supports weight loss
Benefits of Water Therapy
- Proper water intake optimizes the body’s metabolic processes thereby improving the dynamism and energy of the body
- By neutralizing toxic agents in the body, it serves to detoxify the body
- Water facilitates the elimination of the neutralized toxic agents through the skin and urine
- It serves to regulate the body temperature and maintain a balance between the external and internal environments.
- While it maintains a healthy body, it also cures disease conditions
- By cleaning the pores of the skin during perspiration, it keeps the skin clean and makes it glow
- It has been found very valuable in the management of a wide range of diseases including Cancers.
- The diluting property of water makes it very beneficial for managing gastrointestinal ulcers
- For those prone to constipation, Water Therapy offers great benefits
- It is very valuable for those who desire to lose weight
How it works
- Water therapy is so simple that it could look like a joke in the beginning
- Water as a universal solvent is able to dilute substances in the entire body and through the blood stream and the excretory system, is able to eliminate harmful substances from the human body.
- Its ability to occupy space makes it uniquely valuable in managing overweight. The feeling of fullness created in the individual who desires to lose weight; reduces the intake of food which is the major culprit in weight gaining.
- The intake of water stimulates the entire body and increases the body’s metabolism, this serves to benefit individuals who suffer from poor appetite.
- Engaging in exercises like Yoga further enhances the body’s metabolic processes
- When the water is charged with lemon, the water becomes an alkalinizing agent with capacity to counteract the acid residues from food metabolism in the body.
- The procedure serves to ‘wash’ the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) on a daily basis, eliminating the chances of the occurrence of Ulcers, and Cancers of the GIT.
- The water which is taken on daily basis gets to circulate and serves to cleanse the lymphatic system, which is a fluid based system responsible for combating potential disease causing agents in the body.
- With the purification effect, the cells within the body live in a healthier environment and will possess more energy and function optimally.
- With water therapy, cell repair is easier and dead cells and excreted easily, thus sustaining a healthy internal environment
Administration of Water Therapy
- The major requirement is discipline and sincerity of purpose
- Water is the first item that is consumed every morning
- At least 1.5 liters of water should be taken on getting up from bed in the morning (commence with half the dose and increase every day until you can take 1.5l)
- Increase the quantity of water taken to enhance the efficacy of the therapy
- The water when taken lukewarm simulates the internal environment of the body and could provide more benefit especially for the chronically ill and those who desire to shed weight
- Avoid food for at least one hour after the intake of water
- Taking fruits and vegetable meals after the intake of water enhances the efficacy of Water Therapy
- 1.5l of water should be taken at least thrice daily
- When water is taken during the day, it should be administered one hour before or after meal
- In the management of disease conditions related to the presence of deposits in the body and congestions; like arthritis, rheumatism, sinusitis; etc, Water therapy is valuable
Introduction to Charged Waters
- Charging is a process of potentiating the healing ability of water through physical; chemical or biological activation of water.
- There are different methods of charging water and the choice will depend on the desired benefit/s of the charged water
- Physical means of charging will include the use of heating; Direct Sunlight where the Sunrays could be channeled through colored glasses to achieve the desired charging effect
- The chemical constituents of some fruits which are rich in essential minerals and vitamins serve to enhance the healing property of water. Vinegars, Lemon and Lime are common biological/chemical agents for charging water
- The process which water undergoes in the body before being excreted as Urine exposes it to the vibration energies of the entire body, which charges the water which is in urine.
- Auto-Urine Therapy is the process of utilizing one’s urine for self healing it is also called Shivambu and testimonies abound to prove its efficacy
- The same property of Water which all religions and cultures buy into is further enhanced when such water is charged