- General: Aidan tree
- Hausa: Dawo
- Ibibio: Uyayak
- Igbo: Oraghilira; Ohoho; Hiokirihio; Ura-ura; Oshosho
- Yoruba: Aridan; Ubikirihu
Tetrapleura tetraptera is a deciduous tree growing 20 – 25 metres tall. The bole, which can be 50 – 90cm in diameter, is slender and older trees have very small, low, sharp buttresses. It sheds its leaves annually. The grey-brownish bark has a very smooth texture while the leaves are glabrous and hairy in appearance. It bears up to 5-10 pairs of pinnae that measure approximately 5 to 10 cm long with 6 to12 leaves on both sides of the pinna stalk.
The top of the tree can be marginally notched sometimes while the base is basically hairless with slender stems. The flowers are cream and pink in colour and tend to change to orange colour on maturity. The flowers are located in the upper leaf axils and are always in pairs with short stamens and slender stalks.
The fruit hangs on stout stalks at the edges of the branches and they are characteristically brownish in colour. The fruit (pod) measures about 15 to 25 cm long hanging at the ends of branches on stout stalks and distinguished by its 4 longitudinal ridges that are slightly curved. Two of the ridges are woody while the other two contains soft, aromatic and oily pulp. The pod contains tiny, hard seeds that measure approximately 8 mm long. The fruit is distinguished by its fleshy sweet smelling pulp when fresh and hard when dried.
- The seeds can be sown directly on the soil; in nursery; or plastic containers, and they germinate within about 7 days.
- When grown in nursery of plastic bags, they can be transplanted after 3 weeks of germination.
Medicinal Benefits
- Known to possess anticonvulsant; anti-inflammatory; analgesic; antihypertensive; antidiabetic; weight losing; antimicrobial; antioxidant; antiasthma; and anticancer properties.
- Used for the treatment of schistosomiasis/bilharziasis; and the associated symptoms like anemia, pain, fever and breakdown of the infected organs.
- It enhances steroidogenesis, spermatogenesis and maintains testicular integrity and improves male fertility.
- Used in post-partum care to restore the integrity of the uterus and to promote breast milk production.
- Used for the treatment of fevers; constipation; diarrhea; vomiting and stomach ache.
- Used for the treatment of Epilepsy and other convulsive disease conditions.
- Used for the management of schistosomiasis and trematode infections.
- Used for Postpartum recovery; shrinking of fibroid; and Contraception.
- Used for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders.
- Used for the treatment of leprosy.
- Promotes wound healing.
Other Benefits:
- The pods, and bark and crushed and soaked in water and sieved after at least 48 hours; and the extract is used for repelling insects and controlling gastropod pests like snails and slugs that feed on and damage crops vegetation.
- The fruit pulp is rich in sugars and may be used in flavouring both sweet and savoury foods.
- The fruits and flowers serve as perfumes and in pomades prepared with other oils.
- It is used in agriculture for the prevention and control of gastropod pests.
- The wood is hard and heavy and used for wood works as well as fuel.
- The extracts serve as Mosquito repellant.
How it is Used:
- The fruit is used for making soup traditionally for culinary or for medicinal purposes. The fruits serve as spice for making meals like banga soup, pepper soup, awai, etc. The fruits are either pulverized or broken into pieces (which will be removed before consuming the soup), before introduction into the soup early enough to ensure proper infusion of the fruit content into the soup. The soup is used for the following:
- Post partum care to prevent contractions and promote the production of breast milk and blood production.
- Management of arthritis, other inflammatory diseases and adult onset (type 2) diabetes.
- Shrinking of fibroids.
- The stem bark, root, leaves and pods are infused, boiled, or soaked, in water and the extract is used for the following:
- Postpartum management for the control of contractions; breast milk production; shrinking of fibroid; and for contraception.
- Treatment of Gastrointestinal disorders including diarrhea, vomiting and stomach ache.
- Treatment of schistosomiasis/bilharziasis, and other trematode infections.
- Management of anemia, pain, and fevers associated with the infections.
- Management of Epilepsy and other convulsive disease conditions.
- Treatment of Ashma; Cold; Cough and other respiratory diseases.
- Management of diabetes; and boosting of the immune system.
- Promotion of Weight loss; reduction of body fat.
- Management and prevention of cancers.
- Enhancement of male libido and fertility.
- Treatment of Leprosy and wounds.
- The fruit can be dried and blended into the powdered form for producing dermatological products such as soap because of its antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal, and saponification properties. It is combined with shea butter, palm kernel oil or any other bases of choice for the production of skin care products.
- It can be prepared as a drink using the fruits; fresh ginger; and water; (Lemon juice and Honey are optional). The pulverized fruits and ginger are steeped in hot water for at least 30 minutes and sieved; then Lemon and Honey can be added for extra benefits and enhanced taste.
- The dried fruits are burnt inside earthenware pots used for storing drinking water to enhance the health benefits of water stored in the pots.
Reported Side Effects/Caution:
- It is recommended that the daily intake should not be above 50mg per 1kg body weight as it could cause heamolysis (destruction of blood cells) as well as alter the functioning of the kidneys.